I wish I had a photo of Madison at the end of year Roman Feast in third grade....wearing a loose fitting black dress of mine (the other Roman females were in white)....No, I did not have a plain white sheet so I could fashion a toga and no, WalMart was already closed or not open yet or something.
And, yes, she did inform me at 9:30 pm the night before that she needed this the next morning. Did I mention that I was a full time fourth grade teacher at another school on the other side of town that year?
At least she was barefoot.
And I was assigned weenies in the blanket as the 'finger food' I had to prepare. I was waiting for a new ATM CARD, dh had left for the office without leaving me cash (as if he had any), the kids were too young to have $$$ stashed in their rooms. I scrounged under the seats in the car and everywhere else for change. I came up with enough to buy two packs of Shopper's Food Warehouse crescent rolls and 'heaven only knows what they are made from' all-meat links. I showed up to find all of the moms wearing Roman garb as well.......wth? You not only were able to get your kids dressed as ancient Romans but you were able to fashion a costume for yourself as well? REALLY?
Fast forward to fourth grade.........I spent the summer compiling a spread sheet of every freaking costume the three kids would need for the upcoming school year. I poured over EBay listings for days until I had contracted with the best seamstress for the costumes that had to be custom made. I spent no less than $750. that year on costumes for classroom events, plays, blah, blah, blah. The Dolly Madison "re-enactment outfit" alone cost $250. plus shipping. BUT, not once that entire year were my kids NOT the best costumed kids in the school.
We homeschooled the following year.
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