Friday, January 28, 2011

Off the Top of Your Head..........LITERALLY....................................

Think about it.  Comment below, pls.  Is there a memory you would erase if you could?  If Pixie and Dixie are having it done, we are not far behind.


  1. aha, this works
    This post gave me a lot to think about. I think back at my worse memories, and I think, if they went away, would I lose the values they taught me? If the things that were supposed to hurt didn't hurt anymore, would that make me a better person? I decided that at least in my life, I would not want a forgetter. Now for someone (like maybe one of the people that watched the people get shot in Arizona) who witnessed unspeakable tragedy, maybe forgetting would be a good thing. I know the mind plays cruel tricks, and some poor people suffer flashbacks, over and over and over again of the terrible thing that they lived through. Maybe that would be kinder.

  2. No, I would not elect to have this done! I think that we have the ability to overcome bad memories without the need to resort to something such as this when they have no idea what other ramifications the procedure might have in the long term. And the very fact that this is available is terribly scary to me as there is always the potential for it to be used in sinister ways....


  3. I would have to agree that the process is one of which I would disapprove. And, there actually is a process for those memories of 'unspeakable' tragedies or trauma of that nature -- it is called EMDR and it is a therapeutic process that promotes emotional healing as opposed to erasing memories. I also agree that 'erasing memories' has enormous potential for abuse. Mariann
